Constitution of the Society of Women Engineers
Northwestern University, Region H, Section 69
Section I. Name
The name of this organization is the Society of Women Engineers (Region H, Section 69). This organization will hereby be referred to as SWE. The Northwestern Chapter gained its charter in 1976.
Section II. Purpose
The purpose of SWE is to create a supportive community of female engineers through professional development and social programming.
Section III. Objectives
To empower members to fulfill their full potential as engineers and leaders.
To inspire the next generation of engineers through STEM outreach programs.
To address and break down gender biases and inequalities in engineering.
Section I. Executive Board
A. List of Executive Board Positions and General Responsibilities
The elected officers of the organization shall be the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Program Director, Outreach Director, HeForSWE Director, Treasurer, Publicity Chair, Freshman Coordinator, Social Chair, Wellness Chair, Technology Director, STEP Director, and Secretary.
To represent the section before the public
To have general supervision and control of the section’s activities and programs
To preside at all executive and general meetings
To prepare agendas for all executive and general meetings
To authorize the disbursement of section funds within the budget approved by the executive council and be an authorized signatory on all section accounts
To serve as a liaison with other student organizations and the administration
To direct and facilitate communication between committee leaders
To oversee all communication on the [email protected] email account
To coordinate the submittal of quarterly reports to the region representative
To participate in regional conference calls
To submit the section annual report in accordance with established procedures
To review and approve the year-end section financial report
To perform other duties normally associated with the office of president or as may be assigned by the executive board
To maintain the constitution
To succeed to the office of President if there is a vacancy in that office
To assume the duties of the President if temporarily absent or unable to serve
To organize and execute the annual SWE in the City Conference
To preside over the SWE in the City Committee
To arrange transportation, registration, and housing for national/regional conferences
To complete the appropriate regional and national awards and reports for the section
To maintain a list of all paid and active SWE national members
To maintain the alumni database
To co-lead the Professional Development Committee with the Program Director
To encourage partnerships with other McCormick student groups
To establish and maintain corporate sponsorships
To maintain the resume book and distribute it to employers
To serve as a liaison with the graduate SWE section
To organize and execute Industry Day
To serve as a liaison with the companies for Industry Day
To organize Spring Banquet/Celebration
To co-lead the Professional Development Committee with the External Vice President
To organize Career Day for Girls
To lead the Outreach Committee in coordinating outreach events and programs
To serve as the point of contact all outreach-related communication
To lead the HeForSWE committee
To organize HeForSWE programming with the goal of spreading awareness of gender biases and inequality specifically within the field of engineering
To mobilize all engineers to get involved in the conversation so that collaborative efforts can be made to promote gender equality
To maintain the collection, safekeeping, and distribution of SWE’s funds
To update and maintain all financial records
To establish quarterly budgets in coordination with the President
To write and distribute reimbursement checks to members
To maintain the debit card in good standing at all times
To prepare financial reports for National SWE
To lead the Publicity Committee
To create and distribute advertising material for all SWE-related events
To update and maintain any other media representing SWE on campus
To maintain the SWE Facebook page and group
To design and order apparel for events and members
To maintain the mentor-mentee program
To plan and coordinate activities for freshmen and transfers
To coordinate the distribution of letters sent to incoming students over the summer
To organize the Wildcat Welcome Brunch for new students
To serve as a resource for new students who need advice
To lead the Social Committee
To plan social activities and related programming
To order food and make other accommodations necessary for events
To engage members in developing a supportive and inclusive community
To provide resources and opportunities for members to develop individual and interpersonal wellness
To work with other organizations in providing joint programming to increase diversity
To manage the internal and external listservs under the discretion of the President
To add upcoming events to the Google Calendar
To regularly update the SWE website with relevant material
To serve as a resource for members with regard to technology-related inquiries
To organize the Summer Technology and Engineering Program, including activities, budgeting, and student and volunteer applications
To reach out to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and the Evanston community to provide resources for summer programming
To record and send out the minutes after executive board meetings
To record attendance at executive board meetings
To record attendance at all SWE events
To maintain appropriate correspondence with guest speakers, alumni, and regional and national boards through thank you notes, articles, and emails
B. Qualifications for Becoming an Officer
Any member of SWE is eligible to run for office. A strong attendance record and passion for SWE’s mission are desired. Some officer positions have more specific requirements for eligibility, as detailed in Article III, Section II.
C. Terms of Office
Elected officers serve from the spring quarter immediately following elections until the winter quarter of the next school year. Officers assume their positions at the beginning of spring quarter, ideally having already transitioned with the member who previously held their position.
D. Procedure for Filling Vacated Offices
In the event of the removal of an officer, a special provision may be granted to the remaining officers to appoint an interim replacement until an election may be held. In the event of the removal of the President, the Internal Vice President will succeed to the office of President.
Section II. Committees
A. Committee Identification and Appointments
The following committees are in place to help further SWE’s mission and objectives: Professional Development Committee, Outreach Committee, Social Committee, Publicity Committee, HeForSWE Committee, SWE in the City Committee.
Applications for Professional Development Committee, Outreach Committee, Social Committee, Publicity Committee, and HeForSWE Committee are released in the fall. Any member of SWE is welcome to apply. The executive board holds a meeting to select members from the pool of applicants, in which the head of each committee has the greatest discretion in selecting members for their respective committee. All committee members must ultimately be approved by the President.
SWE in the City is an internal committee consisting only of members from the executive board. Committee participation is voluntary and open to anyone on the board.
Committee heads present status updates to the executive board at weekly meetings and as necessary. Each committee head also prepares an annual report to provide input to the section’s final report to the national society.
Committee members serve for the entire school year in which they are selected. They are expected to attend all events held by their respective committee, as well as events held by other committees. Members are also encouraged to contribute ideas and feedback to improve programming in general.
The Professional Development Committee is in charge of seeking career exploration opportunities and organizing professional programming. Events include resume, cover letter, and elevator pitch workshops, company lunch and learns, brown bag lunches, panels, etc.
The Outreach Committee works to introduce engineering to K-12 students and to encourage them to pursue STEM fields. Events and programs include Career Day for Girls, panels at local schools, mentorship, etc.
The Social Committee plans fun and engaging events to build a strong and supportive community for female engineers on campus. Events include study hours, group dinners, art activities, etc.
The Publicity Committee works to publicize all SWE events and strengthen SWE’s presence on campus. Duties include managing social media accounts, designing and distribution merchandise, increasing campus reach, etc.
The HeForSWE Committee plans and implements all programming to further the initiative’s purpose of breaking down gender biases and inequalities in engineering.
The SWE in the City Committee organizes and executes the annual SWE in the City Conference. Duties include booking the hotel and conference space, reaching out to potential speakers, handling the catering, etc.
B. Temporary/Special Committees
The executive board may establish other committees as the need arises.
Section III. Advisor
The advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the officers and members of SWE. The advisor is considered a non-voting member of the section. It is preferred, but not required, that the faculty advisor be a SWE member. The advisor shall be selected by a majority vote of the executive board. The advisor will serve a term of one academic year, where re-selection will be considered at the start of each new executive board’s term.
Section IV. Dissolution of Organization
In the event of dissolution, the assets of the section shall be first used to pay any remaining debts, after which any remaining funds shall be disbursed to SWE regions, SWE sections, the SWE members at large organization, or SWE endowment funds as recommended by the executive board and approved by the SWE board of directors.
Section I. Membership Eligibility
Any Northwestern student may be a general member of SWE.
Section II. Executive Board Eligibility and Qualifications
Only a member who has served on the SWE executive board may run for the office of the President. Only a member who has served on the SWE Outreach Committee may run for the office of Outreach Director. Only a member who has volunteered for the STEP Program may assume the office of STEP Director, which is a position appointed by the advisor and previous STEP Director. For all other positions, any SWE member is eligible to hold office.
If a candidate will be away from campus during any significant part of their term, they must disclose this information during elections.
The term of the office is one fiscal year, beginning the spring quarter immediately following elections and ending winter quarter.
Section III. Committee Eligibility
Any member may apply for a committee position.
Section IV. Executive Board Resignation
Under exceptional circumstances or if for some reason an officer becomes incapable to serve, an officer may resign. Other members on the executive board shall assume the resigned officer’s duties during the interim period of finding a replacement. The board shall use its jurisdiction to decide whether the replacement officer shall be appointed or if a special election shall be held.
Section I. Selection Timing
Elections shall be held at the end of winter quarter each year. The newly elected officers shall assume their positions at the beginning of the spring quarter.
Section II. Nominations
Nominations are not necessary to run for office.
Section III. Election and Voting Procedures
Prior to elections, candidates must announce their desire to run for office by emailing [email protected].
During elections, candidates shall deliver speeches. Speeches are 3 minutes for presidential candidates and 2 minutes for all other officers. If a candidate cannot make it to elections, they may submit a video or have the current President read a previously prepared speech. Speeches are followed by two minutes of questioning by the President.
Candidates for each office shall then be voted upon by the members present at elections. The President shall be elected first. If a candidate does not win for the position they are running for, they may run for any subsequent elected position. The order of drop-downs follows the same order in which the positions are listed in Article II, Section I, A.
Section IV. Notification and Posting of Elections
Notice of elections shall be given to all members at least two weeks prior, via email and social media.
Section V. Grounds for Removal
Any officer may be removed for cause by impeachment. A two-thirds vote of the executive board is necessary for removal, effective immediately.
Section VI. Procedure for Impeachment
An officer may proceed in impeaching another officer on the board by presenting a letter stating concrete reasons for the impeachment of another officer to the President. If the President is the one to be impeached, they shall approach the Internal Vice President with the letter.
The President (or Internal Vice President) shall notify the member being impeached and the rest of the executive board of the impeachment. They shall schedule an impeachment hearing at a date and time in which all members of the executive board can attend.
The moderator of the impeachment hearing shall be the President, unless the President is the one being impeached, in which case it shall be the Internal Vice President.
During the hearing, the moderator will read the specific charges or complaints brought against the individual, as presented in the letter.
The accusing officer(s) shall present evidence to support the complaint. The accused shall be given the opportunity to argue a defense and offer counter evidence.
After each side has presented their case, the rest of the executive board may ask questions. A two-thirds vote of the executive board is necessary for impeachment.
Following this impeachment process, the board shall use its jurisdiction to decide whether the replacement officer shall be appointed or if a special election shall be held. For the latter, the impeached officer cannot be a candidate.
Section VII. Procedure for Appeal of Impeachment
If the impeached officer wishes to appeal their ruling, they must submit a letter to the executive board within three days of their impeachment. The letter must include any relevant information that has not already been presented. The executive board, excluding the impeached officer, shall meet to discuss and vote on the appeal. A two-thirds vote is necessary to reverse the impeachment decision.
Section I. Types and Occurrence of Meetings
The executive board shall meet weekly and as necessary. Committees shall meet as often as deemed necessary by their committee heads.
Section II. Meeting Minutes and Records
The secretary shall take notes at all executive board meetings and distribute the minutes not more than 24 hours after each meeting. Committee heads have jurisdiction over specifications for their committee’s meeting minutes.
Article VI. Handling of Funds
Section I. Student Organization Finance Office
All funds collected will be deposited in our student organization’s Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO) account or McCormick accounts.
Section II. Treasurer
The treasurer shall be the primary officer designated to handle organization finances.
Section III. Dissolution of Organization
In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding debts and claims have been paid, shall be donated to national Society of Women Engineers.
Section I. Amendment
Any member is eligible to submit proposed amendments to this constitution. Amendments required a two-thirds vote of the executive board to pass.
Section II. Ratification
This constitution shall become effective upon its ratification by a two-thirds vote of the executive board. Upon ratification, all prior constitutions shall be null and void.
As a recognized student organization, we will participate in a constitutional review process every three (3) years. It will be updated according to the new sample constitution (if necessary) and will meet with the Student Organizations & Activities staff to review it.
This is not-for-profit organization. Any funds obtained through fundraising or other means must go back to the organization.
As a student group seeking affiliation to Northwestern University, we hereby state that this student organization does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates. Harassment, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics, is a form of discrimination. This includes harassing conduct affecting tangible job benefits, interfering unreasonably with an individual's academic or work performance, or creating what a reasonable person would sense is an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. While Northwestern University is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression, discrimination and harassment identified in this policy are neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom.
This organization will not engage in or permit hazing. The University forbids hazing and all other activities that interfere with the personal liberty of an individual. The University defines hazing as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off University premises and whether presented as optional or required, to produce mental or physical discomfort, servitude, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or admission to, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group, team, club, or other organization. Hazing activities may also violate the Illinois Hazing Act 720 ILCS §5/12C-50.
This organization shall comply with all Northwestern University policies and procedures, including but not limited to, those policies set forth in the Northwestern University Student Handbook and The Guide to Student Organizations, as well as local, state, and federal laws.
Updated 9/12/18
Section I. Name
The name of this organization is the Society of Women Engineers (Region H, Section 69). This organization will hereby be referred to as SWE. The Northwestern Chapter gained its charter in 1976.
Section II. Purpose
The purpose of SWE is to create a supportive community of female engineers through professional development and social programming.
Section III. Objectives
To empower members to fulfill their full potential as engineers and leaders.
To inspire the next generation of engineers through STEM outreach programs.
To address and break down gender biases and inequalities in engineering.
Section I. Executive Board
A. List of Executive Board Positions and General Responsibilities
The elected officers of the organization shall be the President, Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Program Director, Outreach Director, HeForSWE Director, Treasurer, Publicity Chair, Freshman Coordinator, Social Chair, Wellness Chair, Technology Director, STEP Director, and Secretary.
To represent the section before the public
To have general supervision and control of the section’s activities and programs
To preside at all executive and general meetings
To prepare agendas for all executive and general meetings
To authorize the disbursement of section funds within the budget approved by the executive council and be an authorized signatory on all section accounts
To serve as a liaison with other student organizations and the administration
To direct and facilitate communication between committee leaders
To oversee all communication on the [email protected] email account
To coordinate the submittal of quarterly reports to the region representative
To participate in regional conference calls
To submit the section annual report in accordance with established procedures
To review and approve the year-end section financial report
To perform other duties normally associated with the office of president or as may be assigned by the executive board
To maintain the constitution
To succeed to the office of President if there is a vacancy in that office
To assume the duties of the President if temporarily absent or unable to serve
To organize and execute the annual SWE in the City Conference
To preside over the SWE in the City Committee
To arrange transportation, registration, and housing for national/regional conferences
To complete the appropriate regional and national awards and reports for the section
To maintain a list of all paid and active SWE national members
To maintain the alumni database
To co-lead the Professional Development Committee with the Program Director
To encourage partnerships with other McCormick student groups
To establish and maintain corporate sponsorships
To maintain the resume book and distribute it to employers
To serve as a liaison with the graduate SWE section
To organize and execute Industry Day
To serve as a liaison with the companies for Industry Day
To organize Spring Banquet/Celebration
To co-lead the Professional Development Committee with the External Vice President
To organize Career Day for Girls
To lead the Outreach Committee in coordinating outreach events and programs
To serve as the point of contact all outreach-related communication
To lead the HeForSWE committee
To organize HeForSWE programming with the goal of spreading awareness of gender biases and inequality specifically within the field of engineering
To mobilize all engineers to get involved in the conversation so that collaborative efforts can be made to promote gender equality
To maintain the collection, safekeeping, and distribution of SWE’s funds
To update and maintain all financial records
To establish quarterly budgets in coordination with the President
To write and distribute reimbursement checks to members
To maintain the debit card in good standing at all times
To prepare financial reports for National SWE
To lead the Publicity Committee
To create and distribute advertising material for all SWE-related events
To update and maintain any other media representing SWE on campus
To maintain the SWE Facebook page and group
To design and order apparel for events and members
To maintain the mentor-mentee program
To plan and coordinate activities for freshmen and transfers
To coordinate the distribution of letters sent to incoming students over the summer
To organize the Wildcat Welcome Brunch for new students
To serve as a resource for new students who need advice
To lead the Social Committee
To plan social activities and related programming
To order food and make other accommodations necessary for events
To engage members in developing a supportive and inclusive community
To provide resources and opportunities for members to develop individual and interpersonal wellness
To work with other organizations in providing joint programming to increase diversity
To manage the internal and external listservs under the discretion of the President
To add upcoming events to the Google Calendar
To regularly update the SWE website with relevant material
To serve as a resource for members with regard to technology-related inquiries
To organize the Summer Technology and Engineering Program, including activities, budgeting, and student and volunteer applications
To reach out to undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and the Evanston community to provide resources for summer programming
To record and send out the minutes after executive board meetings
To record attendance at executive board meetings
To record attendance at all SWE events
To maintain appropriate correspondence with guest speakers, alumni, and regional and national boards through thank you notes, articles, and emails
B. Qualifications for Becoming an Officer
Any member of SWE is eligible to run for office. A strong attendance record and passion for SWE’s mission are desired. Some officer positions have more specific requirements for eligibility, as detailed in Article III, Section II.
C. Terms of Office
Elected officers serve from the spring quarter immediately following elections until the winter quarter of the next school year. Officers assume their positions at the beginning of spring quarter, ideally having already transitioned with the member who previously held their position.
D. Procedure for Filling Vacated Offices
In the event of the removal of an officer, a special provision may be granted to the remaining officers to appoint an interim replacement until an election may be held. In the event of the removal of the President, the Internal Vice President will succeed to the office of President.
Section II. Committees
A. Committee Identification and Appointments
The following committees are in place to help further SWE’s mission and objectives: Professional Development Committee, Outreach Committee, Social Committee, Publicity Committee, HeForSWE Committee, SWE in the City Committee.
Applications for Professional Development Committee, Outreach Committee, Social Committee, Publicity Committee, and HeForSWE Committee are released in the fall. Any member of SWE is welcome to apply. The executive board holds a meeting to select members from the pool of applicants, in which the head of each committee has the greatest discretion in selecting members for their respective committee. All committee members must ultimately be approved by the President.
SWE in the City is an internal committee consisting only of members from the executive board. Committee participation is voluntary and open to anyone on the board.
Committee heads present status updates to the executive board at weekly meetings and as necessary. Each committee head also prepares an annual report to provide input to the section’s final report to the national society.
Committee members serve for the entire school year in which they are selected. They are expected to attend all events held by their respective committee, as well as events held by other committees. Members are also encouraged to contribute ideas and feedback to improve programming in general.
The Professional Development Committee is in charge of seeking career exploration opportunities and organizing professional programming. Events include resume, cover letter, and elevator pitch workshops, company lunch and learns, brown bag lunches, panels, etc.
The Outreach Committee works to introduce engineering to K-12 students and to encourage them to pursue STEM fields. Events and programs include Career Day for Girls, panels at local schools, mentorship, etc.
The Social Committee plans fun and engaging events to build a strong and supportive community for female engineers on campus. Events include study hours, group dinners, art activities, etc.
The Publicity Committee works to publicize all SWE events and strengthen SWE’s presence on campus. Duties include managing social media accounts, designing and distribution merchandise, increasing campus reach, etc.
The HeForSWE Committee plans and implements all programming to further the initiative’s purpose of breaking down gender biases and inequalities in engineering.
The SWE in the City Committee organizes and executes the annual SWE in the City Conference. Duties include booking the hotel and conference space, reaching out to potential speakers, handling the catering, etc.
B. Temporary/Special Committees
The executive board may establish other committees as the need arises.
Section III. Advisor
The advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the officers and members of SWE. The advisor is considered a non-voting member of the section. It is preferred, but not required, that the faculty advisor be a SWE member. The advisor shall be selected by a majority vote of the executive board. The advisor will serve a term of one academic year, where re-selection will be considered at the start of each new executive board’s term.
Section IV. Dissolution of Organization
In the event of dissolution, the assets of the section shall be first used to pay any remaining debts, after which any remaining funds shall be disbursed to SWE regions, SWE sections, the SWE members at large organization, or SWE endowment funds as recommended by the executive board and approved by the SWE board of directors.
Section I. Membership Eligibility
Any Northwestern student may be a general member of SWE.
Section II. Executive Board Eligibility and Qualifications
Only a member who has served on the SWE executive board may run for the office of the President. Only a member who has served on the SWE Outreach Committee may run for the office of Outreach Director. Only a member who has volunteered for the STEP Program may assume the office of STEP Director, which is a position appointed by the advisor and previous STEP Director. For all other positions, any SWE member is eligible to hold office.
If a candidate will be away from campus during any significant part of their term, they must disclose this information during elections.
The term of the office is one fiscal year, beginning the spring quarter immediately following elections and ending winter quarter.
Section III. Committee Eligibility
Any member may apply for a committee position.
Section IV. Executive Board Resignation
Under exceptional circumstances or if for some reason an officer becomes incapable to serve, an officer may resign. Other members on the executive board shall assume the resigned officer’s duties during the interim period of finding a replacement. The board shall use its jurisdiction to decide whether the replacement officer shall be appointed or if a special election shall be held.
Section I. Selection Timing
Elections shall be held at the end of winter quarter each year. The newly elected officers shall assume their positions at the beginning of the spring quarter.
Section II. Nominations
Nominations are not necessary to run for office.
Section III. Election and Voting Procedures
Prior to elections, candidates must announce their desire to run for office by emailing [email protected].
During elections, candidates shall deliver speeches. Speeches are 3 minutes for presidential candidates and 2 minutes for all other officers. If a candidate cannot make it to elections, they may submit a video or have the current President read a previously prepared speech. Speeches are followed by two minutes of questioning by the President.
Candidates for each office shall then be voted upon by the members present at elections. The President shall be elected first. If a candidate does not win for the position they are running for, they may run for any subsequent elected position. The order of drop-downs follows the same order in which the positions are listed in Article II, Section I, A.
Section IV. Notification and Posting of Elections
Notice of elections shall be given to all members at least two weeks prior, via email and social media.
Section V. Grounds for Removal
Any officer may be removed for cause by impeachment. A two-thirds vote of the executive board is necessary for removal, effective immediately.
Section VI. Procedure for Impeachment
An officer may proceed in impeaching another officer on the board by presenting a letter stating concrete reasons for the impeachment of another officer to the President. If the President is the one to be impeached, they shall approach the Internal Vice President with the letter.
The President (or Internal Vice President) shall notify the member being impeached and the rest of the executive board of the impeachment. They shall schedule an impeachment hearing at a date and time in which all members of the executive board can attend.
The moderator of the impeachment hearing shall be the President, unless the President is the one being impeached, in which case it shall be the Internal Vice President.
During the hearing, the moderator will read the specific charges or complaints brought against the individual, as presented in the letter.
The accusing officer(s) shall present evidence to support the complaint. The accused shall be given the opportunity to argue a defense and offer counter evidence.
After each side has presented their case, the rest of the executive board may ask questions. A two-thirds vote of the executive board is necessary for impeachment.
Following this impeachment process, the board shall use its jurisdiction to decide whether the replacement officer shall be appointed or if a special election shall be held. For the latter, the impeached officer cannot be a candidate.
Section VII. Procedure for Appeal of Impeachment
If the impeached officer wishes to appeal their ruling, they must submit a letter to the executive board within three days of their impeachment. The letter must include any relevant information that has not already been presented. The executive board, excluding the impeached officer, shall meet to discuss and vote on the appeal. A two-thirds vote is necessary to reverse the impeachment decision.
Section I. Types and Occurrence of Meetings
The executive board shall meet weekly and as necessary. Committees shall meet as often as deemed necessary by their committee heads.
Section II. Meeting Minutes and Records
The secretary shall take notes at all executive board meetings and distribute the minutes not more than 24 hours after each meeting. Committee heads have jurisdiction over specifications for their committee’s meeting minutes.
Article VI. Handling of Funds
Section I. Student Organization Finance Office
All funds collected will be deposited in our student organization’s Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO) account or McCormick accounts.
Section II. Treasurer
The treasurer shall be the primary officer designated to handle organization finances.
Section III. Dissolution of Organization
In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after outstanding debts and claims have been paid, shall be donated to national Society of Women Engineers.
Section I. Amendment
Any member is eligible to submit proposed amendments to this constitution. Amendments required a two-thirds vote of the executive board to pass.
Section II. Ratification
This constitution shall become effective upon its ratification by a two-thirds vote of the executive board. Upon ratification, all prior constitutions shall be null and void.
As a recognized student organization, we will participate in a constitutional review process every three (3) years. It will be updated according to the new sample constitution (if necessary) and will meet with the Student Organizations & Activities staff to review it.
This is not-for-profit organization. Any funds obtained through fundraising or other means must go back to the organization.
As a student group seeking affiliation to Northwestern University, we hereby state that this student organization does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing or services or in the educational programs or activities it operates. Harassment, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics, is a form of discrimination. This includes harassing conduct affecting tangible job benefits, interfering unreasonably with an individual's academic or work performance, or creating what a reasonable person would sense is an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. While Northwestern University is committed to the principles of free inquiry and free expression, discrimination and harassment identified in this policy are neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom.
This organization will not engage in or permit hazing. The University forbids hazing and all other activities that interfere with the personal liberty of an individual. The University defines hazing as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off University premises and whether presented as optional or required, to produce mental or physical discomfort, servitude, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or admission to, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group, team, club, or other organization. Hazing activities may also violate the Illinois Hazing Act 720 ILCS §5/12C-50.
This organization shall comply with all Northwestern University policies and procedures, including but not limited to, those policies set forth in the Northwestern University Student Handbook and The Guide to Student Organizations, as well as local, state, and federal laws.
Updated 9/12/18